Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Holy Ghost: a story of boys

On January 1st, 2001 (yes that's 1-1-01), I  got baptized.  Shortly after I was baptized, my Father confirmed me a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, then said "receive the Holy Ghost."

When I was baptized, I was only eight years old, but I knew right from wrong, and I knew that getting baptized was a good choice, and that I was following Jesus Christ.

My parents taught me at an early age about the wonderful Gift of the Holy Ghost. (click here and scroll down the page until you see "The Gift of the Holy Ghost," then click on that) They taught me how it would protect me, comfort me and how it would warn me of dangers.

One night, within one or two years of receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, I was spending the night at a friend's house.  He had some cousins over.  We were having plenty of fun like all boys do, running around, wrestling, making messes, playing video games, eating junk food, watching movies, not caring much about anything at all :)  Life was perfect.

My friend and his cousins wanted to go out in his backyard and play outside during the night-time.  I knew he had some horses in his backyard, but I hadn't really been out there and I got this feeling that it was unsafe.

He and his cousins said that everything would be fine.  After a bit of them trying to convince me, I went along with them outside.  The light from the backyard porch was the only light we had.  It was dark.  We were hanging out outside, playing tag or whatever.  I remember we were running around.

All of a sudden, both my friend and one of his cousins start screaming.  I went to my friend to see what happened.  He had stepped on a two-by-four with a rusty nail sticking out.  The nail went right through his shoe and into his foot.  Oddly enough, the same thing happened to his cousin... at the same time.  It was strange.

I ran inside and told his Mom what had happened.  His mom had to carry them both inside and treat them.  I remember him sitting on the closed toilet with his shoes off just crying and crying.  He told me that he should have listened to me, and that it wasn't a good idea to go outside and play when it's dark when you can't see anything.  I have learned two things from this experience.  One: Listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.  Two: If it is dark outside, it is harder to see.  "well, yeah!"

That second one makes me laugh. :)

The gift of the Holy Ghost has helped me to make right choices.  Those who are baptized by immersion for the remission of sins, the gift of the Holy Ghost.  Both of these ordinances are done under the proper authority in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Since my story had to do with light, and how more light would have been helpful, here's a video about light.  David A. Bednar is the man speaking.  I hope you enjoy it.  There are 2 other parts to go with it.  Watch those too if you have time.  SO good. :)

And remember kids, don't do drugs.
Have a great week. 

1 comment:

  1. I had never heard that story before! Thank you for the wonderful blog! Elder Bednar speaks on one of my favorite topics: Light! Truly awesome! Mom
