Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Patience: It's a virtue for a reason

"Go forth among... thy brethren and establish my word; yet ye shall be patient in long-suffering and afflictions, that ye may show forth good examples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls."
-Full Reference-

Patience has been something that I've struggled with my entire life.  I want to keep pushing forward, I want to keep improving myself as fast as I can.

Most of the time, that's not in Gods plan.  FALSE!

God realizes that if I improve as fast as I want too, I would be very, very, very, tired...

 King Benjamin(a prophet-king from The Book of Mormon) talked to his people about this.  I'll 'liken' this scripture to how I read it when I need a reminder to slow down,
"...See that [improvement is] done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that [you] should run faster than [you have] strength."
-Full Reference-
Remember... TIME!

Improvement has a cost-
Trials.  Time.  Pain.

Even when we exercise, we're tearing muscles to make them stronger.  When we go through trials, we're trying our Faith, to make our spirits stronger.

Something that has always helped through these times of trouble is the fact that I can always go in prayer to my Heavenly Father.  I can talk with Him.  I can ask for help.  I can tell Him what I'm feeling.

Like any loving Father, he knows what's going on, but he still wants to hear it from us!

I also found that serving/helping others is a GREAT way to help me feel better.  It just gives you that warm tingly feeling!

Over time, I have learned that patience with our Father in Heaven and trying to understand why He would allow us to go through trials is a way to thrive while going through our tribulations.

This Mormon Message is a great uplifter and it's helped me out a lot!

Made from a speech given by Quentin L. Cook, "Hope Ya know, We Had a Hard Time"

How have you learned to help yourself be more patient?

1 comment:

  1. Patience... one of the biggest topics of my life! I'm glad to know that even though something isn't working out for me at the moment or I can't see past a few days/weeks/years into the future, I know God's whole purpose is for us to be happy. And so, if I know that, I KNOW He has something prepared for me that WILL make me happy... I just need to be: patient!

    Thanks for this reminder Elder Horowitz!
